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I have a legacy ASP.NET application. It was converted from NET 2 to net 4.It uses state server session.At some point, the app opens a new page (in a new browser tab: link target = "_blank")But after returning to calling page (tab), I discovered the session is reset, so current user is no longer used and app redirects to login page. Actually, SessionID remains unchanged, but IsSessionNew is set to true, and session has no variables set in it. The app doesn't use Session.Abort or Session.Clear.Even if I change session to InProc, and change the target for the links to _top, or _self, or remove entirely, the same thing happens - session got reset.This is session setting in web.config (alternatively I used StateServer, but with same result)\[code\]<sessionState timeout="432000" cookieless="UseCookies" mode="InProc"/> \[/code\]Any idea what can cause this?Thank you.