Seperate versions in changelog svn->xml->html


New Member
I'm an intern and was assigned to a job far from familiarly territory, so please forgive me if my question is trivial or vague.Setting:The build.xml used when my team triggers a new version (via ant) contains a section in which Subversion is asked to create a changelog.xml files from Today to build.lastrelease. From this changelog.xml file, a html version is created via xslt.The result is one long changelog without any chance of telling where a version ends and where the next one starts.Goal:Either introduce seperating lines between each version (if possible also note the version) or creating a seperate changelog for each version.Approaches:[*]I thought about using a loop to write VersionX to VersionX-1, but the log entries don't display information about their version. (only date and time)[*]However, the version folders do. Though when I create a logfile for a single Version, I'll always end up with selectedVersion -> firstVersion.[*]I know how to seperate by date though, so I could filter the log entries using the Daterange in the svn command. However, I have no idea how to access the Date information displayed in the Windows Explorer.I read the parts of "Version Control with Subversion" that seemed helpful and read various forum posts and blog entries about svn, xml, xslt and ant.Mostly I coded in VBA and know only a little bit of ccs, html, java, but I'm willing to learn.I'd be really grateful if you could help me and toss me in the right direction.Thanks for reading and taking time to help me!