SEO Strategy for a new Website completing against established websites


New Member
it is hardly an one month old website and completing against websites which are online from at least 8-12 years. the main keyword has competition around 25,800,000 in Google. What should be our ideal strategy for this website?
Please post your suggestions Hey man! You might want to check other keywords! That number is sooo hard to promote. You can use the Google Adsense Keyword Tool and try finding keywords or phrases that has less than 10,000 competition.

Another tip I wanna share is about the Google mystery. On the upper right hand corner of the Google search page are the settings. Click there and go to Number of Search Results. The default is 10 so change it to 100. This way, you can actually see the real competition figures for a keyword!

New websites CAN beat the older websites in the net. Trust me. hello,
Its not an alien thing that you are to compete with big fish in the industry. It happens with every new business. The need is to create an ideal strategy for your business. Why would you want to compete with them directly which means by trying to optimize on the same keywords as they are? That's the biggest mistake. Try to optimize your site on niche keywords i.e. keywords highly relevant to your site and that your target audience search for. There search volume may be low but they would be of high relevance for you. Use the same keywords in all your optimization activities. Once you establish your self on those then move on to others and thus step by step till you actually reach a stage where you can compete on high search volume and highly searched keywords with established firms. In order to beat a website that has been online for 8 to 12 years with a new website, you'll need to have more authority content than them, more pages, more back links, more traffic, more social media buzz and you still may have to be patient and wait for several years in order to catch and surpass them. Or perhaps you never will. In the meantime use long tail keyword phrases and optimize for those so that you'll stay in business long enough to compete with the older sites. According to the new Google relevant content posture.....some really good related content in quantity should give you a good start.....backlinks are not a problem...easy enough to get...
You could use similar keywords and add a tail to them......

Go get em' Using the less competitive kws may help. Don't rush on the big fish. You know what I mean. Start with small ones until your site is stable and compete the established sites... You can explore some more keywords or key phrases which are relevant to your main keywords but less competitive........ it will be not easy to defeat them.But not even easy.I agree that you will need more pages . Interlinking and also good backlinks.
You should have buyed an old domain so that it would have been easier for you to defeat them. best of luck for that. explore more keywords which relevant to your main keywords. I recommend link wheel. It is the most effective keyword method that will boost your new website and reach good rankings. I suggest finding less competitive related keywords and focus on beating the big guys on those keywords. Then you can work your way up to taking on the big guys. I agree that most people just jump ahead and target the most general keywords. Well for this kind of range you made need to spend 4-5 figures financially to get your results. Unless you have plenty of financial backup, I don't recommend you to do that.

Try to find some relevant keywords but lesser competition meaning the alltitle and allinanchor results got less than 10k may help. These are basically what Google takes into account these days when comes to search engine ranking. Yes I agree, because related articles on your keyword may affect when getting traffic, we should consider that every time we insert keyword make sure that it is related on the topic.