seo friendly url's

Hi all, I'd appreciate some help with this...

I've had my business's site (which is a niche job board - nursing and healthcare) developed using a Joomla CMS. After the initial build, all the search strings looked like:

/index.php?option=com_jobsearch&task=jobsearch&jobk ey=&action=1&jobspecialty=Nursing&joblocation=

and after a lot of going back and forward on the implementation of SEO friendly urls with my developers (which I'd originally specified in the site functional spec) I'm at the point where for example if a user clicks a browse link to 'nursing jobs', the string after the domain name is /jobsearch/task,jobsearch/action,1/jobspecialty,Nursing/ .

What I had hoped for is that I would have a string along the lines of /nursing-jobs/. My developers are indicating that it's technically very problematic to get the search string to be any more simplified.

My question is: is there a definite SEO benefit to having a much more simplified search string? has anyone done, or is anyone aware of any a/b testing around the SEO implications of different search enquiry string structures? anyone using Joomla CMS had similar issues?

Thanks. I don't use Joomla but a Google search found this:
sh404SEF Quote: sh404SEF rewrites Joomla URL to a more user-friendly format (SEF URL or URL rewriting): becomes
It is also a security component and manages title and meta tags : automatic tags, or manual for every page. It works with or without .htaccess file. Joomfish compatible. Caching system for high speed and very small DB queries overhead.
Support many components natively but uses also sef_ext from OpenSEF/SEF Advanced. VirtueMart, Fireboard, Community Builder, mosetsTree, HotProperty, Sobi2, Docman, myBlog, iJoomla Magazine,News Portal, Remository and more supported natively. SSL switch, automatic 301 redirection from non-sef to sef and from Joomla SEF to sh404SEF, insert Google news style numerical ID,.. Many backend parameters to control URL construction behavior.