

I have in the past successfully configured a site to send users e-mail, I simply put in the program;

mail ($row['usr_email'], $send_subject, $send_detail, "From:[email protected]\r\n");

Now on this new site, this doesn't seem to work. I have checked the site, and presume all I am looking for is SendMail, I put up the getinfo and found the following;

Path to sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i

Am I missing something, it is sendmail that enables me to send the e-mails or am I looking at completely the wrong things?do you get any errors? it looks ok to me. and to use mail() you shouldn't worry about sendmail. it is setup in the php.ini file on how to send mail.Yep, scoutt's right, need to know what's going on more than this. I assume you're testing this by emailing yourself. Is it that you are not getting the email, but the site says that the email is going through, or is it that there is an error and the mail never gets sent?