sending sms


hi dude, any1 of u guys know how to program a program to allow the system to send a sms upon an event? for example, when a user click on "submit". i using .NET with VB scriptwell you are going to have to connect to the sms gateway. It really depends on the gateway. Like are you going to connect to another server and send it the data? Lets not look at any events, is quasi event oriented, lets look at this from a client side perspective, a form with an action. When you click submit you send the form values to the server and request the script in the action to fire, that script then grabs the values. is quasi event oriented because it just takes care of all of those extra scripts for you, but you can really look at like you would asp classic and do everything by hand like in asp classic if you wanted to. So basically you are just going to be grabbing up the form inputs with the server side script and the server side script is going to connect to the gateway and pass it to the values. The real question is how do you plan on connecting to the gateway.oh okie....den another thing... i wanna do a timer that would search my database and send a sms over to my client to inform he/she about delivery. how am i going to do that? any idea>?If you want to run a script at a certain time you can run a service that will keep track of what time it is and then run the script or you can just use a scheduled task.oh can gif me any example?Do you have any experience with writing executable applications? All you have to do is create a light weight exe, then do the following
start -> programs -> accessories -> system tools -> scheduled tasks -> then click add a task.but i dun have the "Sheduled Task " in my accessories??accessories -> system tools -> scheduled tasks

there are otherways to get to it: control pannel -> scheduled tasks