Sending info easilly?


Hi everyone,<br /><br />Im new to the group so thanks in advance for any help.<br /><br />Im currently doing a site for my girlfriends dad. He needs to be able to update target="_blank"> to get an ides...<br /><br />Theres lots to do in terms of style and stuff however if there was a simple way i can get the update done, for example a way he could email a link that would be formatted and updates automatically, or some sort of free CMS system that would allow him to do it.<br /><br />Cheers guys.<br /><br />Dan<!--content-->
There are two options:<br /><br />1: use a password-secured CMS to edit a text file (or INI file), which is then read by the front-end and formatted<br />2: send an email to the server, which is dealt with by the PHP in the same way as above.<br /><br />The first one is the easiest for you to do, or anyone to do really.<br /><br />What you can do is as follows:<br />* Have 2 pages: login, and edit<br />* Secure the page with sessions/cookies (see Server Side forum), showing the login form when neccesary.<br />* If he is logged in, show the edit form.<br />* The edit form should show the existing data on-login.<br />* When submitted, re-write the file(s) (eg INI, TXT, or PHP) to the server using Touch, File_put_contents, and chmod.<br /><br />If you need more help, put a tutorial / script request in<!--content-->