Sending form output to a frame in ANOTHER window


New Member

I am currently constructing a web-based database and would like to have it so that the main query output appears in a frame in the main window. Some of the queries require the user to make successive choices, each based on the one before, before the final query is built and executed. I would like the user input to occur in a pop-up child window belonging to the frame in the main window.

For example, a table of data is printed out into the main output frame. This table has links to then cross reference the data within it. Ok, so the user will click one of these links which will then pull up a pop-up window giving a little information about the link, and various choices to allow the user to cross-reference this back into the main database. The point is, I need this query output to go BACK INTO THE PARENT FRAME, as opposed to into the pop-up (child) window

I got as far as using <FORM ACTION="opener.location.replace('query.php') NAME="thisform" METHOD="GET">. This runs the query in the parent frame, but does not appear to pass the form data to the server :(. Any ideas on how I can go this??


Chris J