Sending an e-mail


Staff member

I am trying to create an e-mail application. I have created a simple mail application in win forms. The user will put in the fields and click the send button.

I am not really sure how an e-mail application works. But if send an e-mail to my e-mail account i.e. <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->. I send the e-mail. However, I never receive the e-mail that I send using this mail application. The application works ok, and there are no run-time errors. Is there something I need to do, to be able to send this to my hotmail, yahoo, or gmail e-mail accounts.

The code I have used is below. This has been written in C# Visual Studio 2005.

Thanks in advance

using System.Web.Mail;

private void btnSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Construct a new mail message and fill it with information from the form
MailMessage aMessage = new MailMessage();
aMessage.From = txtFrom.Text;
aMessage.To = txtTo.Text;
aMessage.Cc = txtCC.Text;
aMessage.Bcc = txtBCC.Text;
aMessage.Subject = txtSubject.Text;
aMessage.Body = txtMessage.Text;

//If an attachment file is indicated, create it and add it to the message
if (txtAttachment.Text.Length > 0)
aMessage.Attachments.Add(new MailAttachment(txtAttachment.Text, MailEncoding.Base64));

//Now send the message

//Indicate that the message has been sent
MessageBox.Show("Message sent to " + txtTo.Text, "E-mail Program", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
catch (Exception ex)
}hi, did u purposely leave out

SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "your mail server goes here";

if not, you are missing it :PHello,

Thanks for your reply. However, l have added the code that was missed, but still getting a problem. Error Message "The transport failed to connect to server"

my code that l added:

Smtp.MailServer = "";

Thanks in advance for any sugguestions,


I have just found some useful information. I have configured the IIS smtp virtual server.

In the general settings l have add my IP address.

In the access tab, click rely button and granted access to my IP address.

I have added this code:

Smtp.MailServer = "localhost";


Smtp.MailServer = "";

But l am still getting the same error message "Transport failed to connect to server".

Any ideas on how to solve this.

Many thanks,


I have added this code:

SmtpMail.SmtpServer.Insert(0, "");

The program executes without any run-time errors, but l did not recieve any e-mail to my yahoo account.

Any suggustions,

SteveSmtp.MailServer = "localhost";

only works if your box is configured w/ email server. I think you are using someone else's email server right? You need to have their smtp address.

p.s: since you are testing ur system, take off the try/catch block for now, because you are interested the error msg after allHello,

This is an simple application I am developing on my own. It is being run on my laptop. I have configured the IIS and set the properites on the general to be my IP address currently On the access tab l have granted permission for the localhost on the reply and connection.

I made the changes to the SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "";. My listing for sending the code is illistrated below. But still does not work. I am sending the e-mail to my hotmail account <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->, but never gets there.

MailMessage aMessage = new MailMessage();
aMessage.From = txtFrom.Text;
aMessage.To = txtTo.Text;
aMessage.Cc = txtCC.Text;
aMessage.Bcc = txtBCC.Text;
aMessage.Subject = txtSubject.Text;
aMessage.Body = txtMessage.Text;

//If an attachment file is indicated, create it and add it to the message
if (txtAttachment.Text.Length > 0)
aMessage.Attachments.Add(new MailAttachment(txtAttachment.Text, MailEncoding.Base64));

SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "";

//Now send the message

//Indicate that the message has been sent
MessageBox.Show("Message sent to " + txtTo.Text, "E-mail Program", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

Is there something I am doing wrong, or something I am not doing.

Thanks in advance,

SteveSmtpMail.SmtpServer = "";

Hi, hotmail and yahoo are public webmail system. Therefore those servers will require you to authenicate yourself first before you can utilize their system to send any emails ( need to look for ways for you to enter ur username and password, but I never tried before, so I need to dig around first).

Let me give you an example of what I've done. I have 3 servers in my office, 1 w/ exchange server named Xserver, 1 w/ SQL server named SQLServer (yea..very creative) and 1 for file sharing, and develop .Net application named TUX.

TUX, Xserver and SQLServer are within the same network, so DNS understands its own name resolution. In my ASP.Net page, I just use the follow code to refer to my email server:

SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "Xserver";
SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "(my xserver's ip address goes here)";

See, I don't use username/password because it's within the same network and Active Directory knows who I am, therefore I auto authenicated myself.

If you coming from the outside world, and try to use the same code, my Xserver won't respond to your request unless you authenicate yourself.

I hope this would help you solid the concept a little more :)Hello,

Thanks for your reply and help.

I thought that you could send e-mails to an another e-mail account regardless if it is yahoo, hotmail, etc. Using the code that l have produced.

I have noticed that the e-mail that l try and send are all in the intepub/mailroot/queue.

Right now I am going to use CDONTS, and try and use that to send the e-mail.

Thanks for your help.

If you have any future suggestions, I would be grateful,


it make sense that you can't send e-mails to an another e-mail account without some kind of authenication. After all, if anyone can write a couple lines of code and start utilizing public email system such as hotmail/yahoo. Don't u think blocking spam is gonna be a pain?

if I randomly generate a <username>, and i spam your are not gonna be happy heheh.

I suggest you need to setup a smtp server at your box (or at ur server if you have one) then u can use the code:

SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "localhost";

if ur smtp server happens to utilize hotmail's smtp, by all mean, go for it.

Hope that get u 1 step closer to the solution.Hello Sirpelidor,

Thanks for your help. Looks like I have to setup a mail server to get this working. I have never done that before, so something new to learn.

