Send var between windows & importing data


Staff member

I'm making a page where people in an organization can send messages to each other. To avoid to much server-side and loading I'm trying to use javascript.

Problem 1
Users have to select who they want to send the message to. If they don't remember the name they can click a button which opens another window where they can select a name ("names that begin on A" and so forth), and it will be added in a multiple selection-list on the main page. How can I "send" this from the pop-up window to the main window without going server-side?

In a previous post by Dave Clark I found this: top.opener.document.formName.fieldName.value = str; How does this work?

Problem 2
The users can also send messages to a group of users. To do this I want them to be able to select the group in a selection-list, press a button, and javascript gets the users in that group and add them to the same multiple selection-list as above (hopefully without the main window going server-side). Can javascript get the users via jsp/servelet/struts? Or even applet or an text-file?

Thanks in advance! :)

Kind regards,
Fredrik H. Wisloeff