Send to Email with Subject Matter/Confirmation


Hi,<br />
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My question(s) seems simple enough, but one which i've forgotten to include in my feeback form page (aghh..<br />
:eek:<br />
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First, what's the simplest way to have the results/replies in a feeback form page sent to an email address? (preferably, with a "subject" headline on it)<br />
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Second, what if I want to have a sort of "Confirmation" page for the user to view first the details before they actually submit it...??? (hmm..does this make sense:rolleyes: <br />
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Thanks!<!--content-->you'll need some sort of server side code (perl, php, asp, cgi) to execute on submitting the form. How you get it to do subjects, from, confirmation pages etc will depend on what server language you're using.<!--content-->I would use but thats just what I use you need to find out what your host supports, second the confim page you can just use visible objects (im speaking in terms of vb) and when the user click submit say something like label1.text = text1.text or thatever and swap whats visible and whats not or use a querystring and send the data to the next page. This is probably over your head but once you select a language and do some learning you will get what I am saying, I am a nooby too, I know what its like, I have only been doing for like a month and a half, but buy a book on whatever you choose, its not hard to pick up on.<!--content-->