Sencha Touch CSS3 -webkit browser prefixes etc


New Member
I realise that Sencha Touch 2 states that they only support webkit browsers but was looking at just enabling it on a friend's Windows Phone 7.5 to see what it looked like. I realise that alot of the CSS etc uses -webkit browser prefix like:\[code\]-webkit-border-radius:\[/code\]instead of \[code\]border-radius\[/code\]I understand that if I remove the -webkit- value that older versions of webkit will stop working but Chrome is set to auto update and I'm wondering if there's a list anywhere on the internet that shows the version of webkit for each version of Android/RIM etc.Something like:\[code\]Android 2.0.3 - Webkit 504Android 2.3.1 - Webkit 634\[/code\]I guess a solution would be to just to add the one without the browser prefix as well