Semi_Transparent backgrounds

Greetings!<br />
Say I Have a table on the page. The table has a different background from that of the page. Can I make the table's background semi-transparent?<br />
Thanks in advance!<!--content-->So, do you want a background on the table with less opacity? I don't think this is possible with HTML. Can you overlay an image on your background so you don't have to worry with 2 images?<!--content-->there is an opacty setting, but only for IE. Its something like opacity="75%" abd goes in the tage where you put the background="" tag.<!--content-->I tried the 'opacity' property inside the table tag, but it didn't work. could u give me the exact code? thanks!<!--content-->I am still looking for the exact refrence to the code. As I remember it, it may be a 'layer' option that works only in IE. I'll let you know if I do find it.<!--content-->I've not heard of the opacity property before. <br />
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You can also make an opaque image, sometimes called a screen. You can do this fairly easily by making a small checker-board pattern with alternating colors every other pixel. If you want the screen to be gray, then use a gray pixel then a red pixel and repeat that for a few pixels hoizontally and vertically. Then create the size image you really will be using and use the flood fill tool with the pattern you just created to fill in the entire image. Then set the color red to transparent and save the image in GIF format to retain the transparency of the red pixels. (There are probably easier ways to make the screen image but that is how I do it. It may require a bit of pratice to get it correct.)<br />
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Using layers or tables you can lay the screen image over another background image for some interesting effects. It's technically not opaque, but when viewd looks very similar since it hides 50% of the image below it. <br />
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I hope that made sense. Its the kind of thing you have to see. <br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->I went ahead and made a quick screen. Here is a blue screen. Place it as the background image of a table over the background image of the body and you will see what happens. <br />
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Kevin<!--content-->Thanks Kevin! that's exactly what i wanted to do. But how do I make the screen more transparent? (or less) Do I enlarge the pixels?<!--content-->You can try changing the pattern of the pixels and see if looks more like you want it to. I've only ever used the checker-board pattern like the example I made. You can also try different colors, which may give the illusion of more or less transparency. Like gray instead of blue for the non-transparent pixels. Experiment.... :)<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Ok. Thanks again!<!--content-->