Selling Text Link Ads on "Road Rage" related site


New Member
Selling Text Link Ads on "Road Rage" related site

Raging Links:

Raging Links are displayed near the footer of every page throughout the site, except for the forum. Links are displayed in random order every 15 minutes, and will lead directly to your link without opening a new window.

Your link will include a title which is the link, and it's description. Title and description can be up to a total of 65 characters.

1 week ad is $5.00
2 week ad is $10.00
30 day ad is $15.00

BONUS! Mention that you saw this on Webmaster Trades, and you want me to double your order. I'll give you double the time period for what you order. Text link ads only!

To sign up visit: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
