Selecting Multiple XML Nodes from a document and then displaying in a TListbox Delphi


New Member
i have used IXMLDocument in delphi to create an XML File, i need to access the text value on each of the nodes called Manufacturer and display the results in a TListBox when Button1 is Clicked.Here is how i have created the XML File, this is called on FormCreate:\[code\]procedure TfrmMain.CreateXML;var BikeXMLDoc: IXMLDocument; Root, Bike, Manufacturer, Model, Year, Ratio1, Ratio2, Ratio3, Ratio4, Ratio5, Ratio6, Ratio7, PriRatio: IXMLNode;begin // Create XML Document for bikes.xml BikeXmlDoc := TXMLDocument.Create(nil); BikeXmlDoc.Active := True; BikeXmlDoc.Options := BikeXmlDoc.Options + [doNodeAutoIndent]; BikeXmlDoc.Version := '1.0'; // Create Document Root Element Root := BikeXmlDoc.CreateNode('Bikes'); BikeXmlDoc.DocumentElement := Root; // Create First Bike Node Bike := BikeXmlDoc.CreateNode('Bike'); // Add Required Elements with values for Honda Fireblade 2012 Manufacturer := BikeXmlDoc.CreateNode('Manufacturer'); Manufacturer.Text := 'Honda'; Model := BikeXmlDoc.CreateNode('Model'); Model.Text := 'Fireblade CBR1000'; Year := BikeXmlDoc.CreateNode('Year'); Year.Text := '2012'; Ratio1 := BikeXmlDoc.CreateNode('Ratio1'); Ratio1.Text := '2.286'; Ratio2 := BikeXmlDoc.CreateNode('Ratio2'); Ratio2.Text := '1.778'; Ratio3 := BikeXmlDoc.CreateNode('Ratio3'); Ratio3.Text := '1.500'; Ratio4 := BikeXmlDoc.CreateNode('Ratio4'); Ratio4.Text := '1.333'; Ratio5 := BikeXmlDoc.CreateNode('Ratio5'); Ratio5.Text := '1.214'; Ratio6 := BikeXmlDoc.CreateNode('Ratio6'); Ratio6.Text := '1.138'; Ratio7 := BikeXmlDoc.CreateNode('Ratio7'); PriRatio := BikeXmlDoc.CreateNode('PriRatio'); PriRatio.Text := '1.717'; // Add elements to XML File Root.ChildNodes.Add(Bike); Bike.ChildNodes.Add(Manufacturer); Bike.ChildNodes.Add(Model); Bike.ChildNodes.Add(Year); Bike.ChildNodes.Add(Ratio1); Bike.ChildNodes.Add(Ratio2); Bike.ChildNodes.Add(Ratio3); Bike.ChildNodes.Add(Ratio4); Bike.ChildNodes.Add(Ratio5); Bike.ChildNodes.Add(Ratio6); Bike.ChildNodes.Add(Ratio7); Bike.ChildNodes.Add(PriRatio); // Save the XML File //ShowMessage('XML File Created : ' + AppFileLocation + 'bikes.xml'); BikeXmlDoc.SaveToFile(AppFileLocation+'bikes.xml'); BikeXmlDoc.Active := False; BikeXmlDoc := nil;end;\[/code\]The code is repeated 4 more times adding 4 more elements to the XML File, i have not added the code here as i didnt think it was neccessary. The Finished XML File is this:\[code\]<?xml version="1.0"?><Bikes> <Bike> <Manufacturer>Honda</Manufacturer> <Model>Fireblade CBR1000</Model> <Year>2012</Year> <Ratio1>2.286</Ratio1> <Ratio2>1.778</Ratio2> <Ratio3>1.500</Ratio3> <Ratio4>1.333</Ratio4> <Ratio5>1.214</Ratio5> <Ratio6>1.138</Ratio6> <Ratio7/> <PriRatio>1.717</PriRatio> </Bike> <Bike> <Manufacturer>Kawasaki</Manufacturer> <Model>ZX6R 636</Model> <Year>2013</Year> <Ratio1>2.846</Ratio1> <Ratio2>2.200</Ratio2> <Ratio3>1.850</Ratio3> <Ratio4>1.600</Ratio4> <Ratio5>1.421</Ratio5> <Ratio6>1.300</Ratio6> <Ratio7/> <PriRatio>1.900</PriRatio> </Bike> <Bike> <Manufacturer>Suzuki</Manufacturer> <Model>GSXR1000</Model> <Year>2011</Year> <Ratio1>2.562</Ratio1> <Ratio2>2.052</Ratio2> <Ratio3>1.714</Ratio3> <Ratio4>1.500</Ratio4> <Ratio5>1.360</Ratio5> <Ratio6>1.269</Ratio6> <Ratio7/> <PriRatio>1.617</PriRatio> </Bike> <Bike> <Manufacturer>Triumph</Manufacturer> <Model>Daytona 675R</Model> <Year>2010</Year> <Ratio1>2.312</Ratio1> <Ratio2>1.857</Ratio2> <Ratio3>1.565</Ratio3> <Ratio4>1.350</Ratio4> <Ratio5>1.238</Ratio5> <Ratio6>1.136</Ratio6> <Ratio7/> <PriRatio>1.848</PriRatio> </Bike> <Bike> <Manufacturer>Yamaha</Manufacturer> <Model>YZF R1</Model> <Year>2013</Year> <Ratio1>2.533</Ratio1> <Ratio2>2.063</Ratio2> <Ratio3>1.762</Ratio3> <Ratio4>1.522</Ratio4> <Ratio5>1.364</Ratio5> <Ratio6>1.269</Ratio6> <Ratio7/> <PriRatio>1.512</PriRatio> </Bike></Bikes>\[/code\]How can i make it so when Button1 is pressed the XML File is accessed again, and the text Value of each Manufacturer is listed in ListBox1.Items.I have tried solutions involving XPath to select only a single node, but i need to be able to select all the nodes.Thank you people.