select dropdown box height in IE6 PC ?

Hi<br />
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for reference the page im having trouble with is<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... bble3.html</a><!-- m --><br />
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and bascially i the dropdown box is pushing out my table cell by about 10 px, its fine in all other browsers ive tested PC and MAC V5+<br />
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does anyone have any ideas of fixes?<br />
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thanks<br />
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b<!--content-->height? if it is pushing out your rables how is that height? also <br />
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<option value="8">8<br />
<br />
always close your options.<br />
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so what is the problem? it looks fine to me.<!--content-->thanks scoutt, ive closed my </option> tags but its still doing some funny things, i think the hidden tags take up space somehow and depending on where i put the final </form> tag its changes the layout drmatically,<br />
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is there any fix for hidden <input> fields?<br />
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ps, it now also looks completely wild in MAC IE 5 which is usually fine?<br />
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b<!--content-->well I still don't see what is wrong. it looks fine, but I do see some bad coding. take your form tags out and stick them before the table starts, also take your hidden fields and stick them at the bottom right before your closing form tag.<br />
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you have your form spanning 2 tables and the start of it is in one table and the end is in another table. they have to be in the same table.<br />
this doesn't fly either<br />
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<td width="107" height="8"></form></td><br />
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you can't a form tag in a cell al by itself. that may be half your problem.<!--content-->thanks scoutt<br />
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Ive re-arranged the </form> tag and move the hidden fields <br />
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but the only way i can get it to work properly is by putting the closing tag outside the </td><br />
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otherwise it throws the bottom of the table out<br />
maybe i should re arange the table to control it?<br />
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m<!--content-->it is throwing the table out becasue it is making a border around the table. just insert this into the form tag<br />
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<form style="dispaly: inline"><br />
<br />
that will take the border away. also it will not work in NS4 and buggy in Opera and NS6 & 7<!--content-->cheers scoutt thats worked a treat!<br />
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is that just an inline style? i only use linked never inline and ive never come across that, very handy<br />
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b<br />
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only problem now i have is IE 5.2 OSX whichstill doing weird things but ill have to leave it at that i think<br />
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Thanks Again<!--content-->hopefully you spelt it correctly. :P I hate typing ;)<br />
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yeah it is an inline style. what is it doing on the mac?<!--content--> <br />
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bascially pushing the table out, i think --EDIT-- I KNOW its something to do with the dropdown select menu, i have taken it out of the bottom example and its fine?!?<br />
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b<!--content-->maybe it is just me, I still don't see it. even in that pic it looks fine.<!--content-->