I am trying to create a JS function that will take a value from a dropdownlist, add it as a query string to a http link and then open that link.How to go about that?Let's say this is the \[code\]<select>\[/code\]\[code\]<select> <option value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13801429/volvo">Volvo</option> <option value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13801429/saab">Saab</option> <option value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13801429/mercedes">Mercedes</option> <option value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13801429/audi">Audi</option> </select> \[/code\]How would I use that in DOM to access the value of the selected item on the DDL?\[code\]function openlink(link) { window.open(link + "SELECTED_ITEM_GOES_HERE"); }\[/code\]What is the syntax for SELECTED_ITEM_GOES_HERE?