Select boxes


The following is a simple select box:<br />
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<FORM><br />
<SELECT NAME="Name1" SIZE="5" STYLE="width:470"><br />
<OPTION VALUE="test1">test1<br />
<OPTION VALUE="test2">test2<br />
<OPTION VALUE="test3">test3<br />
<OPTION VALUE="test4">test4<br />
<OPTION VALUE="test5">test5<br />
<OPTION VALUE="test6">test6<br />
<OPTION VALUE="test7">test7<br />
</SELECT><br />
</FORM><br />
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Could someone please explain to me why, when I select on an item in the select box and scroll up or down with the keyboard's arrow keys, it does not go up or down row by row. Rather, it skips one row and goes to the next. <br />
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Is there some kind of setting I am missing? This seems like a dumb question, but it is driving me nuts!<!--content-->nothing wrong........<br />
in my editor -view mode- it is going row by row....<!--content-->Ok, thanks for the reply. <br />
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It must be some kind of setting on my browser. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. <br />
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Thanks!<!--content-->I located the problem. It's a problem with my web editor (ColdFusion studio).<br />
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I never realized this before. Sorry for any confusion.<!--content-->