I've got a query/stored procedure on PHP 4 that keeps resulting in a Segmentation fault on Apache. The field that causes the problem is a Text field (BLOB) and it's on a MS SQL server using the SyBase-CT drivers.
Has anyone seen this kind of problem? I've been able to reproduce the problem on another installation of the same RPM(s) to the same database/table.
I've changed the table to a varchar (8000) and it works fine, it's only when running into a Text field that it's failing. Any help would be useful.
Has anyone seen this kind of problem? I've been able to reproduce the problem on another installation of the same RPM(s) to the same database/table.
I've changed the table to a varchar (8000) and it works fine, it's only when running into a Text field that it's failing. Any help would be useful.