seemless frameborder


I have tried all kinds of stuff...<br />
frameborder=0<br />
frameborder=false<br />
frameborder=no<br />
frameborder=off<br />
<br />
with & witout quotation marks. I still can't get rid of a white seem between the header frame and column frame. I have the same background img on both of the sections with this small but nticeable white seem.<br />
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-----------------------------<br />
I read some of the other threads. They offered code but I don't know where to put this??? Can you offer more info. I didn't try this yet.<br />
<br />
<IFRAME marginWidth=0 marginHeight=0 <br />
src="http://URL" frameBorder=0><br />
</IRAME><br />
<br />
------------------------<br />
<br />
This white seem is driving me crazy. Can someone help!<br />
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Thanks in advance.<br />
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vicky<!--content-->do you have a url so we can see?<br />
<br />
I bet you didn't try border="0" did ya :P<!--content-->I thought I did....I just tried it again. I must of forgotten to save/refresh the page the first time works!<br />
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Thanks so much!<br />