See your Website in Google search results in 24h


See your Website in Google search results in 24h

Package include :

1. Entire site checking on general google submission rules conformance,
including keywords density pattern, relevant content, description, title,
navigation/link structure, SEO - search engine optimization, page loading timings and more.

2. Creating incoming links for your site, specific to content subject, as soon this is required by Google for
successful indexing.

3. Free Gift ! One of our writers will create free reprint article according to your product/service theme.
Article will contain links to your site. We will submit it to major ezine and article announce services.
This will be a great hit for your site popularity in near and
most important far future, as soon as many ezines and subscription lists feed their contents from this services.
So link to your site will be seen by thousands or even more ezine subscribers and potential customers.

This package located at my eBay auction. Place bid or buy it now at eBay: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->


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