Security IIS Basic with Forms Authentication

Rodger Sweaney

New Member
I've got an existing asp application. I'm going to start migrating it to The current app is configured (and requires) iis to have basic authentication on the directories containing the asp code. My question is if I use forms authentication on the .net pieces, how can I pass the user information to iis so that the user isn't forced to go through the popup box sent by iis when the user goes to a resource protected by iis basic authenticaion. I don't think .net forms auth is getting iis to authenticate so iis is asking for the user information again. Is there a way for my .net forms auth code to create a security principal and pass it to iis and have that user authenticated through both basic auth (from iis) and forms auth (through .net).??????? <BR><BR>root - anonymous access - this is where my forms auth login is<BR>--appPages - basic auth - bulk of the asp pages<BR><BR>forms auth works fine but when I navigate to any of the dirs under appPages, basic auth kicks in and pops up the dialog requiring userid and password for iis - ie forms auth isn't telling iis who the user is<BR><BR>