Security - Detecing user's device details on website


New Member
Is it possible to detect these for visitors or registered users on my website without using any plugins? I am creating the security features so scouting around for things i can detect for added security alerts. Security is very important with this service due to storage of confidential information so I am trying to use different security layers. One layer is to auto-detect device details for usage patterns and flag accordingly. But I need to know if these can be detected:
  • If they are using Wireless internet or LAN.
  • If wireless then the SSID.
  • MAC address of network card
  • Computer name
  • Current screen resolution user is using
  • ISP user is using
  • User account currently logged in the OS.
* Also, what else can we detect to uniquely identify a device? All all the above is good but can still change. Only item I can think of is Serial number of the device. Which I am not sure if we can detect without plugings.Platform is PHP but ofcourse can integrate any language if it is possible to detect these in some other language.