searching your site


i am looking into making my site able to search for listings we have, and am now stumped at where to look. I want something like what is used here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... GK14953225</a><!-- m -->) <br />
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i can only seem to find help on this issue when working with java searching... but as far as i can tell, its not what i need. can someone please point me in the right direction? thanks! :confused:<!--content-->try out our site search tool.. on our site..<br />
is this what you want? if so, we can help<br />
you with the right script for your needs.<br />
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BOL (Best of Luck)<br />
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TheGoodTutor<!--content-->yes, what i want is similar to your search option, how ever i want to be able to search for more then one thing at a time. ie. be able to search for a property within a certian price range, and in a certian area.<!--content-->