I've been running a search engine for a while that has become slow recently, since there's more traffic, and more entries in the database.
I've thought about creating an index to return a faster search... but a good thing about the current system is that it also checks for sucession of words. Ie if a user enters 4 words, entries that have several of those words together show up higher than just the words individually.
Is there a way I can have the best of both worlds? My current system of going through a live database is too slow, yet a word index looses accuracy. Keep in mind the search is going through 60 thousand records.
I've thought about creating an index to return a faster search... but a good thing about the current system is that it also checks for sucession of words. Ie if a user enters 4 words, entries that have several of those words together show up higher than just the words individually.
Is there a way I can have the best of both worlds? My current system of going through a live database is too slow, yet a word index looses accuracy. Keep in mind the search is going through 60 thousand records.