I need help with the following im trying to create a searchable database. i have the database setup and running and i have created my web interface what i need to do now is be able to send a query to the database and have it return any records that have what the user entered as there search criteria here is an example
if the user enters somthing like: win98 installation
i want the database to send me back all the records that contain either the words win98 or installation or both if applicable.
I have no clue how to format the query string to get such a responce i have what the user enters stored as the
variable: $sbox
Thank you for you help
if the user enters somthing like: win98 installation
i want the database to send me back all the records that contain either the words win98 or installation or both if applicable.
I have no clue how to format the query string to get such a responce i have what the user enters stored as the
variable: $sbox
Thank you for you help