I am trying to make a php script that will search through a .GZ file. This file is huge though.
you can try to view it here, but opening it froze my comp up for about 10mins
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://paweb01.planetarion.com/botfiles/planet_listing.gz">http://paweb01.planetarion.com/botfiles ... listing.gz</a><!-- m -->
1st Question:
Would it be best to search this file using fopen and fread? I want this search script to be quick(not the 10min comp freeze for every search) If not how should I search through this file.
2nd Question:
is there a way to search a text file like by looking for "tabs"... similar to "\r\n"? Or is there a better way to maybe get this data into an array or at least detect the columns.
Sample Data:
X Y Z "PlanetName"
12 15 17 "vlahhallah"
121 6 20 "Solem"
you can try to view it here, but opening it froze my comp up for about 10mins
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://paweb01.planetarion.com/botfiles/planet_listing.gz">http://paweb01.planetarion.com/botfiles ... listing.gz</a><!-- m -->
1st Question:
Would it be best to search this file using fopen and fread? I want this search script to be quick(not the 10min comp freeze for every search) If not how should I search through this file.
2nd Question:
is there a way to search a text file like by looking for "tabs"... similar to "\r\n"? Or is there a better way to maybe get this data into an array or at least detect the columns.
Sample Data:
X Y Z "PlanetName"
12 15 17 "vlahhallah"
121 6 20 "Solem"