Search For Unanswered Threads By Forum


New Member

What Does This Hack Do?

This is an update to 3.7.x version of this hack.

This is an hack adds an extra option to the Search this Forum drop down list in forum display, that additionally allows you to search for unanswered threads by forum (including child forums if enabled). This can be useful for example, if you have some of your forums dedicated to support issues and want to filter by unanswered support threads, just in that forum (and child forums if enabled).

There have been a few threads that mentioned template edits for allowing to view all unanswered threads in all forums (not like this hack which is by forum, not the entire site), uses a variation of that template edit. This hack is different, but based on the idea, and allows more control over the results.

There are no file or template changes at all, and is phrased.

AdminCP settings for this hack available in vBulletin Options > Search For Unanswered Threads By Forum.
Settings that can be changed are:

  1. Search child forums - enable/disable
  2. Turn off cached results - enable/disable
  3. Auto Template Injection - this is enabled by default. But if you need to manually edit the FORUMDISPLAY template because the auto template injection does not work, you will need to turn off the auto template injection option, and in the FORUMDISPLAY template you will need to paste $sfutbf_template around where $vbphrase[advanced_search] (don't ask me where, because if you need to make the edit manually, then you have a custom template, and you are on your own with the edit).

Installation Instructions
  1. Unzip
  2. Upload bitfield_ms_unanswered_threads.xml to your /includes/xml folder.If upgrading from an earlier version, then overwrite the previous copy.
  3. Import the ms_unanswered_threads_38.xml into vB using the AdminCP Product Manager. If upgrading from an earlier version, then set Allow Overwrite to Yes.
  4. In the Usergroup Manager edit the usergroup(s) you want:
    • To see the Unanswered Threads link (disabled by default for all usergroups).

Version History

v3.8.001 - Thursday 8th January 2009
-- Initial Release