Search for Room Availability in Bookings [PHP/MySQL]


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I am programming a Hotel Reservation module. Now I have to connect an existing application to get the available rooms on a given range of dates. Please help me in this.I am here posting the DB schema of the existing app (where the rooms and bookings info were stored).rooms:\[code\]idroom_typeroom_countpeoplehotel_id\[/code\]bookings:\[code\]idfromtonameemailpeopledthotel_id\[/code\]bookings_rooms\[code\]booking_idroom_idquantity\[/code\]I will give 3 inputs[*]Hotel ID[*]From Date[*]To DateWhat I need is a list of \[code\]room_id\[/code\] and \[code\]max_qty_available\[/code\]