Search Engines that are using Link Popularity


New Member
I was trying to get a complete list of engines that are definitely using link popularity and those that are probably using link popularity. Below are the ones that are definitely using link popularity (they've acknowledge it through press releases etc.) I would love to get some input and create a complete list, so your participation is greatly appreciated! Inktomi, Google, Altavista, Infoseek ................-----------------------KeithChristian Online Shopping Mall - Christian shopping online storeWell Inktomi really isn't or wasn't a search engine. It was more of a database that other search engines like MAN and Yahoo use to use. And with Altavita, it is just Yahoo results. Yahoo is using it, as they have beta testers for the Yahoo rating system on their toolbar.I think Yahoo has decreased the weigh it assigns to links. I have a site with one back link that ranks #4 in Yahoo for a keyphrase....and does not appear in the top 1000 in google. It was all acheived with internal site sturcture/linkage and well written meta tags and content. The site also has no outbound links. It ranks in the top 10 for all the major search engines except google.How can you rank high on the Yahoo webrank? Also, where is a simulator for Yahoo webrank; I remember seeing a site that has it.Thank you for your response guys...Quote:I'm assuming that the sandbox effect...that google denies what's keeping me from ranking well in google. I have 28 backlinks and no PR. The site is only 2 months old.Quote:maybe it doesn't exist or they just don't want to admit it.....maybe it's a bug.