Search engines and generating hits?


I'm almost at that point in my site development where I need to be concerned about how to generate hits on the search engines. I've heard a lot of general talk on the subject in passing but never any specifics. So if I have a site that sells a certain widget then how do I make the short list on the search engines query result is my question?:confused:<!--content-->try this site<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <br />
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or go to<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.Download">http://www.Download</a><!-- m --> <!--more-->.com <br />
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and go to web section lots search engine programs on there most are free or trials<br />
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96<!--content-->Once I've been included with the search engines and crawlers how do I determine where the traffic is being generated from? And how do I incorporate counters into my web page?<!--content-->Install a Web Statistics Analyser or you write your own in a server-side language like PHP.<!--content-->