SDK Installation woes: Error 2353


New Member
I attempted to install the SDK last night, but received an error "Internal Error 2352" and the installation rolled back. Has anyone else encountered this error. I&#039m running Win2K, IE 5.5, Office 2000, and VS6.Actually the error was 2359. Here&#039s workaround I got from the MSFT sdk setup newsgroup:<BR><BR>Title: Internal Error 2359 during install.<BR>ISSUE:<BR>This error occurs because the local SYSTEM account does not have sufficient<BR>privileges to write to either the Windows directory or the WWW root<BR>directory.<BR>WORKAROUND:<BR>Display the properties for the WINNT and WWWRoot directories. Under the<BR>Security tab, make sure that the local SYSTEM account has full control to<BR>those directories. Then rerun setup.<BR><BR>Cheers!