

does any1 know how to stop side scrolling??<!--content-->Make your web page narrower than the users screen.<!--content-->Use percentages for your table widths rather than fixed widths.<!--content-->make the max width of all tables, images, etc combined less then i would say 780.<br />
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if they aren't at 800x600 they should have to put up with a side scrollbar.<!--content-->first of 3, Arctic Dragon's suggestion is a good point if you have any tables...<br />
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second of 3, if you have a fixed window, frame, or iframe that you want your visitors to see then you could use a table and styles to make things look right. You'd need to make everything textwize in the table's cells be persistant using a certain font and set their size ( using a style ) to a predetermined px ( pixel ) or pt ( point ). Additionally, you'd need to make any images you use in this table have a specific size. Finallyl, have the table's width and height properties set to a specific size...if you do this and have all of the code cross browser compatable with w3, ie and netscape then it should look partically the same way on every browser as it does in yours.<br />
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third of 3 ( and easist ), in the <body> tag, add to the end:<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;onscroll="this.scrollTo(0,0);"<br />
if you dont use anything else in the body tag, it should look like:<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<body onscroll="this.scrollTo(0,0);"><br />
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NOTE: If you want to remove the scrollbars the load a page that will open the page with the code above so you get something like:<br />
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index.html:<br />
--------------------------------------------------<br />
<frameset rows="*" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0"><br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;<frame src="noscroll.html"><br />
</frameset><br />
--------------------------------------------------<br />
<br />
<br />
noscroll.html:<br />
--------------------------------------------------<br />
<html><br />
<body onscroll="this.scrollTo(0,0);">Just try to scroll, hehe...<br />
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Darn, I know your scroll did not suceed, your browser must be larger in height than I planned for :-|<br />
</body><br />
</html><br />