Scrolling Text Box help


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I wanna get rid of the lower scroller of the text box, and I want to modify the colours and stuff of the left scroller of the text bow<!--content-->IF theres no way to hide the bottom scroller, can yas atleast tell me how to modfify it liek changen its colour, it would really help me heaps.<!--content-->This:<br />
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<textarea rows="5" cols="25" style="overflow:auto;scrollbar-base-color:blue;"></textarea><br />
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Will get rid of the scrollbars except when they are needed, and when they are needed the color is modified.<!--content-->I knwo this is probably stupid but, i dont knwo where to put that.<!--content-->dun worry, i get it now<!--content-->Ok i got the bottom bar to go, i just dont knwo how to change the colour still<!--content--><!--content-->