Scrolling Marquee HELP !


I have an animated gif of a skydiver that I would like to start at the top right corner of web page and automatically scroll to the bottom. Either in a <TABLE> or in a <TD ROWSPAN=6>.<br />
I remember doing this in class several years ago but can only remember how to scratch my butt right now. <br />
PLEASE HELP !<!--content-->Theretically this is how it will be done.<br />
<br />
create a <div name="jump"></div><br />
Set the default position of this div to be absolute<br />
<br />
then on any event which u desire<br />
either onload or onclick<br />
<br />
get the divs and position.left<br />
<br />
Left will always be the same since you want it to be at same side,<br />
from the top minus the number that you want the jump.gif to be scrolling down<br />
and then at the end reset the location of the div<br />
<br /> = new value<br />
jump.left = same value<br />
<br />
and finally call the method that does this all to the desired condition,which could be to the end of page etc.<br />
<br />
<br />