scrolling color


Hi There.

How can I color my Scroller so I can see only the color of the arrows and the rest will be as the background color of the my HTML file?

Here's an exsample:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> - the news window

ThanksThis was taken from <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. (I just viewed source on the frame then found the css file.)

Here is the code they used to create the effect.

scrollbar-face-color: #2B4959;
scrollbar-shadow-color: #2B4959;
scrollbar-highlight-color: #2B4959;
scrollbar-3dlight-color: #2B4959;
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #2B4959;
scrollbar-track-color: #2B4959;
scrollbar-arrow-color: #40687E;

Make everything the same color as your background, except the scrollbar-arrow-color. Then you'll have the desired effect.

NOTE: I believe this only works in Internet you know different ways to have cool scrollers?Originally posted by weee
How can I color my Scroller so I can see only the color of the arrows and the rest will be as the background color of the my HTML file?You don't. Generally chenging the scroll-bar styles is frowned upon because it's messing with the users GUI.
In this case, with the scroll-bar you described it sounds like an absolutely terrible thing to do, you want to hide most of the scroll-bar, do you have any idea how inaccessible that is?take it easy dude. it's just a website!

Plese give me a better idea (designwise).Originally posted by weee
take it easy dude. it's just a website!
Dude... If you're gonna take the time to make a website in the first place, you might aswell do it right.

PS: The dudes in that band look like they're major carnies.I've seen a lot of websites before tht used that technique.
I want to uderstand... is it totally wrong?

you think it looks bad at

Show me the path so I can walk in the path ;)Originally posted by weee
I've seen a lot of websites before tht used that technique.
I want to uderstand... is it totally wrong?

you think it looks bad at

Show me the path so I can walk in the path ;)
The path... W3C (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)

And no, I don't think it looks bad on that site, but I definitely don't think it would look good to a color-blind viewer. Keep in mind people with disabilities when designing your site. Also, using proprietary code such as this will make your CSS invalid.
-Danyou guys conviced me.
No blind scroll in my website!

Thank you.Just to drive the point home.

The scroll-bar is one of two things that are vital to any web-user, the other thing being the back button.

By changing the scroll-bar you make it appear different to how it appears everywhere else on their computer. This is not a problem for most people however you will cause confusion among the less computer literate.
Opening new windows is also wrong because it breaks the back button (and, with some pop-up's, removes the back button). Most if not all people know that if they click on a link and they didn't want to go there, they can press back and it will be as if it never happened. With a new window this is not possible because there is nowhere to go back would be interesting if you could alter the back button itself

people would probably frown upon that though

lava- you made that tokelau based hacking site?Originally posted by IncaWarrior
it would be interesting if you could alter the back button itself

people would probably frown upon that thoughNo doubt about it.

What does tokelau mean?Originally posted by lavalamp
What does tokelau mean?
I'm not sure what he meant by tokelau, but I'm guessing he was referencing, your WWW. BTW, I checked that out a while ago, and it's freakin amazing! Way too advanced for someone like me.
-DanThank-you. :D

Although I can't take all of the credit, I didn't write the articles although I sort of get what most of them are on about. Also, a guy called Player did the amazing design but since then he seems to have died or had his internet connection severed or something because we've not heard anything off him.

However claiming some of the credit back for me, I made the layout structure (which still needs a lot of work doing on it) and I made the guestbook which I have since turned into a blogging (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) script (far from finished I know).