Scrollbars in tables


I'm making a website, and i have a table which shows site updates.<br />
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However, instead of making the page huge with updates, i'd like to have a scroll bar inside the table, to scroll up and down that table only, i've seen this done on another website, but i'm not sure how.<br />
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Can anyone help?<!--content-->Hi,<br />
Consider using IFRAME. You can decide width and height how much u want and what content goes inside this IFRAME.<br />
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if its simple update (plain text) then look for TEXTBOX tag. I hope its of some use.<br />
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thx - vish<!--content-->Another alternative is putting your table inside a div like this<br />
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<div style="width:100px; height:50px; overflow:auto;><br />
<table...></table><br />
</div><br />
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this will not require a new page for your table, unlike the iframe element.<br />
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Dave<!--content-->woudn't that put the scroll bar just outside of the table though :)<!--content-->Thanks to all users who replied<br />
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Re: the <textbox> tag<br />
Thanks for the idea, but the text, and background are formatted with CSS styles.<br />
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The table was already in a div, i just added that overflow style and it works great, thanks. One more thing though, can i edit the scroll bar attributes like colour, like i could on the main page scrollbars?<br />
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Thanks in advance<br />
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edit: never mind, i found out myself, simple really :)<!--content-->hi,<br />
I am also looking for the scrollbars prob.<br />
check the thread 'CSS SCROLLBARS' under CSS section.<br />
thx - vish<!--content-->