scrollbars in frames


I have a website that uses frames.<br />
One frame needs a scrollbar to scroll up-down on a 800x600 resolution. However, when the scrollbar up-down appears, automatically also a scrollbar left-right appears. Is there a script/tag/... never to let a left-right scrollbar appear, but -when needed- a up-down scrollbar may appear?<br />
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Any help deeply appreciated!<!--content-->you know, if its for navigation purposes, its not an ideal method of implementation. Basically, i think its only possible to show either all scroll bars or non at all when they are activated. I'll look to see if their are any scripts around, but i doubt it.<br />
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Excuse me if i am mistaken :)<!--content-->i just remembered, if you want to use this as a quick fix, you can use the 'noresize' attribute to the frame so that it cannot be resized, however i think that if the content on the page goes outwith the boundary of the frame itself, a scrollbar will appear.<br />
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Use noresize scrolling="no" and that will get rid of the scroll bars top and bottom and left and right.<!--content-->um make the frame wider or make your page so it doesn't go that wide. it is not the frames fault that is has a horizontal scroll bar, it is the author who made the apge.<!--content-->Originally posted by scoutt <br />
um make the frame wider or make your page so it doesn't go that wide. it is not the frames fault that is has a horizontal scroll bar, it is the author who made the apge. <br />
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:D<!--content-->hmm... yeah, thanks.<br />
It's just that the frame fits fine without scrollbars...<!--content-->yeah but the page will not show all of its info if you cut it off and make it so it won't scroll.<!--content-->yes. here's the page. the frame left in the middle gives the scrollbars when an 800*600 resolution...<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->exactly as I said. the left page is way to wide for a 800x600 user. make it smaller, if you turn off scrolling then it will cut off the page and the user will not see all of the left side.<br />
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make teh left frame a certain percentages so it will be wide enough for the user that has 800x600. and it will look good in 1024x768 too<!--content-->it does make more sense to simply make everything the right size so you get no scrollbar, but if your at a loss place this inbetween the head tags<br />
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<STYLE><br />
.disableHscroll{<br />
width:100%;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:scroll;<br />
}<br />
</STYLE><br />
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leo:cool:<!--content-->Hey Leoo, thanks a lot, but... where exactly do I put this tag? In the page with the frame layout, or in the page that appears in the left frame?<br />
What exactly does the code do?<!--content-->that is the samething as setting this<br />
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scrolling="no" in the frame tag.<!--content-->Ah, I finally found it.<br />
To hide the bottom scroll bar:<br />
body { overflow-x:hidden; }<!--content-->you got it m8, i assume you've got which page to put it in too<br />
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leo<br />
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ps, just looked up and saw i said inbetween the head tags, soz my mistake:D<!--content-->