Scrollbar Width Adjustments.. Help Please


Hello,<br />
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I am trying to find a way to adjest the width of the scrollbars that appear on my site. I have a little iframe page on the side of my page that isn't very big (can't be any bigger). The regular size scrollbars take up too much more of the window so I would like to have very small (in width) scroll bars. Is this possible in any way? I've seen people able to change the color of scrollbars using CSSs but that isn't what I want. Any help is greatly aprieciated.<br />
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Thanks,<br />
-Mark<!--content-->I don't really think you'll find a solution, at least with CSS.<br />
CSS scrollbar attributes:<br />
<br />
1) scrollbar-3dlight-color<br />
2) scrollbar-arrow-color<br />
3) scrollbar-base-color<br />
4) scrollbar-darkshadow-color<br />
5) scrollbar-face-color<br />
6) scrollbar-highlight-color<br />
7) scrollbar-shadow-color<br />
8) scrollbar-track-color<!--content-->bump...<!--content-->