Scroll multiple frames - please help!!


Hi. I have mutliple frames and framesets on my page, and am having trouble with the sizing of the browser.<br />
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What I am after is to have everything a fixed size, and if the browser is smaller than that, a *single* scrollbar appears over the top of all of them.<br />
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I thought I could just put the original frameset page within anther frame, set the outer frame's scrolling to auto, and problem solved. Unfortunately this doesn't work!!! It never seems to recognize when it needs to scroll.<br />
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Would really appreciate some help if anyone has any ideas!<br />
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Cheers,<br />
<br />
David<!--content-->First of all put your page with all of your frames on in one page as a frame and then put that page in a frame and the try it, I haven't tried this myself because I'm too lazy and I'm not to good with frames.<!--content-->Are you using an actual frame size or the percentage of the screen?<!--content-->lavalamp - that's what I said in my original posting - without success. The enclosing frame doesn't seem to know when to scroll.<br />
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Albatross - I'm using fixed sizes.<br />
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Figure posting the code would make it clearer...<br />
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Here's the frame page that I'm trying to get a single scrollbar for:<br />
<frameset rows="105,67, 410, *" framespacing=0 FRAMEBORDER="0"><br />
<frame name="topframe"<br />
src="..dtTopSearch.html"<br />
marginwidth=0<br />
marginheight=0<br />
frameborder=0<br />
noresize="true"<br />
scrolling="no"/><br />
<frame name="catsframe"<br />
src="../dtShowCategories.html"<br />
marginwidth=0<br />
marginheight=0<br />
frameborder=0<br />
noresize="true"<br />
scrolling="no"/><br />
<frameset cols="340,405" framespacing=0 FRAMEBORDER="0"><br />
<frameset rows="35,375" framespacing=0 FRAMEBORDER="0"><br />
<frame name="formselectionheaderframe"<br />
src="../dtUpdateAlphabets..html"<br />
marginwidth=0<br />
marginheight=0<br />
frameborder=0<br />
noresize="true"<br />
scrolling="no"/><br />
<frame name="formselectionlistframe"<br />
src=""<br />
marginwidth=0<br />
marginheight=0<br />
frameborder=0<br />
noresize="true"<br />
scrolling="no"/><br />
</frameset><br />
<frame name="formframe"<br />
src=""<br />
marginwidth=0<br />
marginheight=0<br />
frameborder=0<br />
noresize="true"<br />
scrolling="no"/><br />
</frameset><br />
<frame name="bottomframe"<br />
src=""<br />
marginwidth=0<br />
marginheight=0<br />
frameborder=0<br />
noresize="true"<br />
scrolling="no"/><br />
</frameset><br />
<br />
The frames without src get filled in later.<br />
<br />
The page is called frames.html, and I tried creating an index.html which contained it as a single frame, and set scrolling to auto. Figured that when browser was made small enough the frames wouldn't get any smaller, but a scrollbar would show. Unfortunately the frames just keep getting smaller:<br />
<br />
<frameset rows="*" framespacing=0><br />
<frame name="indexframe"<br />
src="..frames.html"<br />
marginwidth=0<br />
marginheight=0<br />
frameborder=0<br />
noresize="true"<br />
scrolling="auto"/><br />
</frameset><br />
<br />
Would appreciate any ideas?<br />
<br />
Thanks,<br />
<br />
David<!--content--><frameset rows="105,67, 410, *" ... <br />
<br />
You may want to switch them to a percentage of the screen size. It will take a bit of trial and error, but eventually you will be able to determine what the percentages are. Once it is done, the frams should automatically resize to fit the viewer's window.<!--content-->Hi. Tried percentages originally, but they allow the frames to resize, which is what I am trying to avoid!<br />
<br />
Cheers,<br />
<br />
David<!--content-->You can still use the <noresize> tag in your frameset while using the percentages. I have my site set up that way.<!--content-->Thxs for the reply...but as you'll see above, I'm already setting noresize. Doesn't seem to work in my case.<br />
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Cheers<br />
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