Scroll DIVs together


New Member
I am wondering if anyone can tell me in theory how to lock 2 DIVs together when scrolling. I need to create a large graph but can only show a small portion at a time. I need the labels to show in a stay locked to the data, but remain visible.I'm essentially trying to replicate the manner you can scroll through an excel worksheet.So the labels on the side would scroll vertically with the data but stay fixed when scrolling horizontally. and vise versa with the labels on top.This is all going to end up in a Rails app that will display a timeline of employees that worked for my fire dept over the last 100 years.the years will be along the top, and the ranks and positions will be along the side (50-60 lines)I'll only have the room to display 15 years and about 20 lines at a time and still be readable.Any ideas would be appreciated.