Scroll bars width

I've seen very narrow scroll bars, and they look very neat, i had change the color but wnat them narrower for the left frame, what can i do?<br />
I tried css in the same manner as for change color but didnt work.<br />
Can you please help me?:(<!--content-->What have you get so far? Lets see some code or a link!<!--content-->Hi Thnaks for answering...:)<br />
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Here is the code:<br />
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><br />
<html><br />
<head><br />
<title>Inicio</title><br />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><br />
<link rel="shortcut icon" href=""><br />
<STYLE type="text/css"><br />
<!--<br />
BODY {<br />
scrollbar-face-color:#0080C0;<br />
scrollbar-arrow-color:#FFFFFF;<br />
scrollbar-highlight-color:#C0C0C0;<br />
scrollbar-3dlight-color:#C0C0C0;<br />
scrollbar-shadow-color:#808080;<br />
scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#000000;<br />
scrollbar-track-color:#87A6DA;<br />
}<br />
--><br />
</STYLE><br />
<br />
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I'm thinking that maybe somethinge like: scrollbar-size:*, or scrollbar-width, or width-size may work...<br />
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Have you seen this effect before? i remember i saw it once few months a go but at the moment didn't care about...<br />
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Thanks<br />
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Here 's a link:<br />
<br />
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><!--content-->You can size the scrollbar as this script suggests. But you might have some restrictions to your pages<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... llbar.html</a><!-- m --><!--content-->Thank you, Thank you, thank you very very very MUCH!!! i knew it was possible, and it seems this will work... i'll try it and send the link of the finished the way... THANKS!!!<!--content-->Remember that the scrollbar script that jdavia gave you might not work on older browsers. You might also want to do a browser detection script so that you can be sure those users are able to access the information.<!--content-->OK. Zach, I will check Thanks, <br />
It seems will work fine, you have been very supportive , i appreciated...:)<!--content-->Also remeber that 10-15% of the web users don't use JavaScript at all.<br />
<br />
Making sure you page works without JS is imperative.<!--content-->i was thinking about it, but didn't knew the percentage was that high..<br />
Thanks:) :(<!--content-->Originally posted by raulishnikov <br />
i was thinking about it, but didn't knew the percentage was that high..<br />
Thanks:) :( <br />
<br />
Yepp, it's all those annoying popupadds and other crap making people getting fead up with it compleatly shutting of JS in their browsers. :(<br />
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OTOH it just gives you as a webdeveloper the incentive to really make sure your pages work without JS, which will help those that can't use JS for various reasons.<!--content-->exactly, one has to know about all these stadistics and the ways to minimize their effects, i'm just starting, i've been playing with web design for a while but just now taking it seriously<br />
learning a lot in this forum thanks to guys like all of you<!--content-->