Scroll Bars from Frame on Other Side


Staff member
Is there a way when using frames to get the vertical scroll bar to appear on the left side versus the right side? I do not see a way to do this in HTML. Is there a way via JavaScript? If so, does anyone have such a script?<br />
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Thanks.<!--content-->it doesn't seem like it,though,NS6+ or Mozilla based browsers allow you to customize the web browser in allots of ways,I'd say try<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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and se what are the customisation parameters that you can use,<br />
Just otta curiosity,<br />
Why move scroll bar from right to left????<!--content--><!--content-->Originally posted by xXxZom_biExXx <br />
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Just for the record, that rtl means something COMPLEATLY different then "put scrollbar on left side".<br />
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It means that the text on the page should be read from right to left instead of left to right.<br />
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The only place where this actually changes the placement of scrollbars is in some version of IE.<br />
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It's unexpected behaviour as well as not being cross OS nor cross browser and most likely your visitors will find it annoying (since they are accusomed to having the scrollbar to the right).<br />
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Just some things to consider before using it on your page.<!--content-->I am currently looking for the same code, to be able to place the scroll bars on the left instead of the right on a web page. If you can help please e-mail me at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --><!--content-->i know what rtl and ltr mean ( just for the record), but obviously what he has works. the scrollbar is on the left side of that page. as for how well it will work in various browsers or on different OS's, i cant say.<br />
I didnt say this was an only option i only gave a link for a possible solution to the question.<!--content-->Originally posted by xXxZom_biExXx <br />
i know what rtl and ltr mean ( just for the record), but obviously what he has works. the scrollbar is on the left side of that page.<br />
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It's to the right for me in ALL browsers I've tested with except for IE.<br />
Also, you neighter explaied to the original poster what the rtl stuff really does nor do the page you link to, thus I felt it was apropriate to point it out.<br />
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I didnt say this was an only option i only gave a link for a possible solution to the question. <br />
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And I said it was probably a bad idea to use it and even if it was used there was no way to get it to work cross OS & browser.<br />
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How was that an error on my part and why on earth did you assume it was a personal attack by me on you?<br />
:confused: <br />
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I'm starting to get damned annoyed at people on this board constantly getting pissed off and/or defensive when you come with additional suggestions or clarifications to what they posted.<br />
Can't people just relax a bit and not automatically assume you are attaking them?<!--content-->It seems this post died after the little tiff. I am here to revive the discussion because I have an urgent need for a solution to a similar problem.<br />
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I have a report, data in an IFrame and headings in the parent page, that has many columns and needs to scroll horizontally to view the columns that flow to the right out of view. I have prevented the horizontal scroll in the IFrame and kept it in the parent frame. I now need to have both left and right vertical scrolling in the IFrame (NEED BOTH).<br />
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Can anyone help (rather than just assume to help with nonsense posts)?<br />
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