Script Help


Staff member
I am having trouble with this script, can y'all help me out here?

Here's the script:
<script langauge="javascript">
<!-- Hide
function grandtotal()
var reg=document.form1.RegType.options[document.form1.RegType.selectedIndex].value;
var tbl=document.form1.DTables.options[document.form1.DTables.selectedIndex].value;
var ttl=document.form1.Total;
if (tbl=="null" && reg=="null")
else if (tbl == "null" && reg=="0")
else if (tbl == "null" && reg=="80")
else if (tbl == "null" && reg=="95")
else if (tbl == "0" && reg=="null")
else if (tbl == "0" && reg=="80")
else if (tbl == "0" && reg=="95")
else if (tbl == "100" reg=="null")
else if (tbl == "100" && reg=="80")
else if (tbl == "100" && reg=="95")
else if (tbl=="150" && reg=="null")
else if (tbl == "150" && reg=="80")
else if (tbl == "150" && reg=="95")
// End Hiding -->

And here are the relevent form items within the page:
<select name="RegType" onChange="grandtotal()">
<option value="null" selected>-- SELECT --</option>
<option value="95">Regular ($95)</option>
<option value="80">Early ($80)</option>

<SELECT name="DTables" onChange="grandtotal()">
<option value="null" selected>- SELECT -</option>
<option value="0">No</option>
<option value="150">Yes (for profit $150)</option>
<option value="100">Yes (nonprofit $100)</option>

<INPUT type"text" size="10" name="Total">

Ok, thanks in advance...