Script Errors


Hey all. I'm trying to run a php script but am getting these errors:<br /><br />Warning: chmod() [function.chmod]: Operation not permitted in /home/*****/run.php on line 67<br /><br />Warning: mkdir(..dir) [function.mkdir]: File exists in /home/********/run.php on line 102<br /><br />I looked at line 67 and it's trying to set 777, but I already set it manually and that didn't fix it.<!--content-->
Is the directory it's trying to perform these actions in set to 777 as well? PHP needs to be given the permissions required to perform these sort of actions in a directory.<!--content-->
Yup it's at 777.<!--content-->
The second error is down to sloppy coding<br /><br />Warning: mkdir(..dir) [function.mkdir]: File exists in /home/********/run.php on line 102<br /><br />You should always check if something already exists before trying to make it. Without looking at the script I couldn't suggest anything other than educated guesses.<!--content-->
Yeah I removed that part of the code; folder was made manually.<!--content-->
How big is the script? If it's not something huge feel free to email me run.php to look at.<!--content-->