<script> code wont work on template editing???


New Member
I try put in my Template footer code this: <script type="text/javascript">
var uri = 'http://impfi.tradedoubler.com/imp?type(img)g(17341984)a(1532585)' + new String (Math.random()).substring (2, 11);
document.write('<a href="http://clk.tradedoubler.com/click?p=40967&a=1532585&g=17341984" target="_BLANK"><img src="'+uri+'" border=0></a>');
</script> (its advertise)

but when i press ok it says "Forbidden
You do not have permission to access this document. "

is there anything what i can do???
Please stop posting in the wrong sections mates.

This forum is for posting moddifications & not for help.
GgAcE said:
Please stop posting in the wrong sections mates.

This forum is for posting moddifications & not for help.

Now that we are in the correct section, I feel obligated to assist =)

Can you please screenshot the full error for me?

Also instead of using stripped code like this, you should try using one of the ad management modules. If one of the modules asked you to add this code, they are sorry excuses for scripters.

I suggest you do a quick search here for some of the better ad managements mods such as AIN.