Screen resolution<


ok, I can get this with Javascript (screen.Width screen.Height), but I want it stored in a PHP variable, so I can echo it in a few places in the document. I have pictures that people may want to make their desktop background. I can use php to size the image, but I don't know how to get the right would have to use javascript to pass it on through either GET or POST (i would say get)you can use getimagesize() but that will only size the image. n8 was correct, you hav eto send it in the url to get it correct. php is serverside so it ia hard to do it without javascript.Originally posted by n8thegreat
you would have to use javascript to pass it on through either GET or POST (i would say get)

This is exactly what I want to do ... can you explain how this would work to someone who doesn't understand javascript?


Simonfor learning javascript, try google or hotscripts. Believe it or not they have tutorials there.