Screen jumps when scrolling


New Member
Need some help troubleshooting viewed on a regular screen (over 800px in width), when I scroll the page, it suddenly jumps up & down (just a little bit). I was about to write that this is the only page that behaves this way, until I noticed that in fact ALL pages have the same weird behavior. This behavior does not exist in the mobile version of the website.Can you please help me figure this out?Thank you!UPDATE: This is the function that messes up the scrolling:\[code\]function revealmobilemenu() { var iebody=(document.compatMode && document.compatMode != "BackCompat")? document.documentElement : document.body; var dsoctop=document.all? iebody.scrollTop : pageYOffset; scroll_timer = window.setTimeout(function() { if (dsoctop > 500) { revealmobilemenunow(); } else { hidemobilemenunow(); } }, 100);}\[/code\]When disabled, the scrolling works fine, but then the mobile version does not show the back to top button.UPDATE 2: SOLVED: The problem was that the desktop version did not have \[code\]position:fixed\[/code\] for the \[code\]BackToTop\[/code\] div, so when it turned from \[code\]display:none\[/code\] to \[code\]display:block\[/code\], it actually added to the window. Fixed with adding \[code\]position:fixed\[/code\] for the desktop css.