write transformed xslt into a literal


New Member
need some help with anybody tell me how to output a xslt transformed xlm into a literal?\[code\]' NOTE: Saxon now uses System.Xml internally on the .NET platform.\[/code\]' We could import it and use any of its derived classes, methods, and so forth,' but in this example we will be using a FileStream for both the source' and transformation files, and Saxon will be taking care of things from there,' so theres no need to import System.Xml for this particular example.Private Sub Page_Load(sender As [Object], e As EventArgs) ' Create two strings that represent the source file and ' transformations file. These values could be set using ' a variety of methods (e.g. QueryString) but for now ' we will keep things simple and hardcode these values. Dim sourceUri As [String] = Server.MapPath("beispiel1.xml") Dim xsltUri As [String] = Server.MapPath("beispiel1.xslt")\[code\]' The new Saxon engine for the .NET platform allows the' ability to pass in a Stream instance directly.' Given that the Stream class implements IDisposable, we' can use the 'using' keyword/codeblock to ensure that' our resources are properly cleaned up, freeing up' valuable system resources in the process.' [UPDATE: Check that. This really should read' close all of the file streams we opened automagically.' While its true we're cleaning up system resources' It's not like theres really a choice. One way' or another the stream needs to be closed, this' Just does this for us so we don't have to worry about it.Using sXml As FileStream = File.OpenRead(sourceUri) ' We need to do this for each Stream that we pass in for processing. Using sXsl As FileStream = File.OpenRead(xsltUri) ' Now we simply create a Processor instance. Dim processor As New Processor() ' Load the source document into a DocumentBuilder Dim builder As DocumentBuilder = processor.NewDocumentBuilder() ' Because we have created the DocumentBuilder with a file stream ' we need to set the BaseUri manually, as this information is no ' longer available to the Saxon internals when a Stream, regardless ' of what the source of this Stream happens to be, is used for creating ' the DocumentBuilder instance. With this in mind, we need to create ' an instance of a Uri using the sourceUri we created above. Dim sUri As New Uri(sourceUri) ' Now set the baseUri for the builder we created. builder.BaseUri = sUri ' Instantiating the Build method of the DocumentBuilder class will then ' provide the proper XdmNode type for processing. Dim input As XdmNode = builder.Build(sXml) ' Create a transformer for the transformation file, compiling and loading this ' file using the NewXsltCompiler method of the Saxon.Api namespace. Dim transformer As XsltTransformer = processor.NewXsltCompiler().Compile(sXsl).Load() ' Set the root node of the source document to be the initial context node. transformer.InitialContextNode = input ' Create a serializer Dim serializer As New Serializer() ' Set the serializer to write the transformation output directly ' to ASP.NET's Response.Output stream. serializer.SetOutputWriter(Response.Output) ' Run the transformation. transformer.Run(serializer) ' and we're done. :) Literal1.Text = "xslt xml transformed output here" End UsingEnd Using\[/code\]End SubI don't want to write it to the response.output stream. But into Literal1.Text.thx in advance