SAX Parser


Staff member
MS XML DOM or any other DOM is, as you would already be knowing, a memomryrepresentation of the XML file which is accessible thru code. The entireXML file is parsed, validated and the DOM tree is created. SAX which standsfor Simple API for XML is one level below this. It is a set of routines whichread the XML file parse each tag and raise event such as startElement(),endElement() etc. These events are used by DOM parsers to create the DOMtree. In cases where the XML files are very large, loading them in the memoryin form of a tree is not such a good idea. Other example could be a casewhere a custom Object Model is required. In these cases it is more usefulto use SAX parsers and catch events raised by them. The SAX is faster thanDOM but the programming is trickier ;-)Hope it helps,